Gate Park

Rue du Vigneron 27, Charleroi




Rue du Vigneron 27, Charleroi



Parking; Parking including shared shuttle



At this parking you don't have to leave your car key behind. You can take your key with you.



This parkingplace is not covered.

Worry-free travel to the airport

Choosing MOBIAN means choosing a worry-free journey to your airport. Book in advance a guaranteed parking space including transfer to taxi, shuttle or public transport on your way to the departure hall. Or do you prefer the comfort of valet parking? Whatever you choose, MOBIAN guarantees you a seamless trip before the start of your flight.


Want to be sure of a parking space? Make a reservation! Find your spot online or download and use the MOBIAN app. Enter your (international) airport, discover the possibilities and determine your ideal route to the departure hall.

Everything in one place

Receive, check and manage your reservations in one overview. After making a reservation, you will receive confirmation in the MOBIAN app, including vouchers with instructions for each service. No app? Then check your mailbox.

On location

Chosen a transfer? Navigate to the parking location. Chosen valet service? Then navigate to the agreed departure hall for car handover. Have a good trip!


Customer reviews

Parking at Gate Park

Looking for hassle-free outdoor parking near Charleroi airport? Look no further than GatePark! They're more than just a parking solution – they're your partner in seamless travel experiences, prioritizing your comfort and security every step of the way.

Security Measures: Rest easy knowing your vehicle is in GatePark's safe hands. Their parking facility boasts secure gates, well-lit surroundings, surveillance cameras, and insurance coverage against theft and damages. Plus, they have a 24/7 on-site guardian for added peace of mind.

Client Amenities: Relax in GatePark's comfortable waiting room with complimentary WiFi before your journey. Their attentive staff is here to assist with luggage, ensuring a stress-free experience. Want your car to shine upon your return? Take advantage of their car wash services (additional fee applies).

Shuttle Services: GatePark's two shuttles operate at regular 15-minute intervals for swift transportation. Need a ride during quieter times? Their shuttle service is available on demand. With space for up to 8 passengers, children's seats available, and complimentary water bottles provided, they've got you covered.

Valet Service: For added convenience, GatePark's valet service is available from 8 am to 10 pm, perfectly aligning with your travel schedule.

Their multilingual team is here to ensure your parking experience is smooth and stress-free.